



  热能工程系的前身是清华大学1932年设立的机械工程学系动力工程组,1952年正式成立动力机械系。1956年开始研究生培养。1978年,改名为热能工程系。现设有 “能源动力系统及自动化”(原热能与动力工程)一个本科专业,设有“动力工程及工程热物理”一个一级学科,下设“工程热物理”、“热能工程”、“动力机械与工程”、“流体机械与工程”四个二级学科,其中“工程热物理”、“热能工程”、“动力机械与工程”三个学科是国家重点学科,在历次学科评估中, “动力工程及工程热物理”一级学科和几个重点学科都名列全国前茅。热能工程系下设5个研究所、2个国家重点实验室分室、1个热科学与动力工程教育部重点实验室、2个国家工程研究中心、5个联合研究中心。是清华大学低碳能源实验室的重要组成部分,将与英国剑桥大学、美国麻省理工学院(MIT)联合成立低碳能源大学联盟。









  电话: 010-62782648、62783363






○ 能源动力系统及自动化




● 工程热物理




● 热能工程




● 动力机械及工程




● 流体机械及工程




● 热能动力仿真与控制





○       Energy Power System and Automation

Major Courses:

Thermal Engineering, Heat Transfer, Applied Fluid Dynamics, Principles of Combustion, Modeling and Simulation of Power Systems, Principles of Refrigeration Technology, Thermal Power System, Theory of Power Mechanics and Engineering, Principles and Designing of Fluid Mechanics, Modeling and Controlling of Power Systems, Measurement and Control of Parameters for Thermal Process, etc.

Job Opportunities for Graduates:

Working at companies or government departments correlated with energy, electrical power, environment protection, aeronautics, etc, as designers, researchers or managers.



●       Engineering Thermal physics

Major Courses:

Advanced Thermodynamics, Advanced Heat Transfer, Viscous Fluid Mechanics, Numerical Methods in Heat Transfer, Numerical Analysis, Statistical Physics, Probability Statistics, radiation theory, Frontiers of Thermo physics in High-Tech and Natural environment, etc.

Research Field:

Research of Single-Phase and Multi-Phase Heat Transfer in Porous Media, Vaporization and Condensation Heat Transfer, Heat Exchanger and Enhanced Heat Transfer, Micro/nano scale heat transfer phenomena, research of heat and mass transfer in high-tech, refrigeration and cryogenic engineering, Thermodynamics and Thermo-physical Properties of Fluid, etc, all of which correlated with thermo scientific problems in crossover area of thermo science and high-tech, energy and environment.

Job Opportunities for Graduates:

Teaching and researching at universities, working at science institutes, industrial departments of energy, power, chemical industry, metallurgical and building material, thermal engineering research units affiliated with key enterprises, high-tech industry and research units, as researchers of fundamental theory or applied technology.

●       Thermal Engineering

Major Courses:

Advanced Combustion Theory, Optimization of Thermal Systems and Equipment, Boiling Heat Transfer and Two-Phase Flow, Numerical Methods for Combustion Processes, CFB Combustion Theory and Advanced Heat Transfer, Advanced Thermodynamics, Principles of Coal Combustion Pollutant Formation and Control, Modern Measurements and Experimental technology in Thermal Engineering, etc.

Research Field:

Clean energy developing and utilization focusing on fossil fuels, such as coal, advanced combustion and gasification theory and technology, CFB combustion technology, pollution control of coal, solid waste combustion technology, etc; fundamental researches of utilization and developing hydro power, fuel cell, biomass particle combustion and solar energy, research of multi-phase flow, measurement technology in thermal engineering and large-scale methods of numerical computation.

Job Opportunities for Graduates:

Working at universities, colleges, institutes, key enterprises, national and local energy administrative departments, as teachers, researchers and administrators correlated with energy developing and utilization, clean combustion, environment protection, renewable energy, etc.

●       Power Mechanics and Engineering

Major Courses:

Aero-Thermodynamics of Turbo machinery, Advanced Thermo- dynamics, Advanced Heat Transfer, Strength of Turbo machinery, Gas Turbine set and Regulation, Modern Power Plant Engineering, Numerical Methods for Combustion Processes, Methods of Optimization, Data Processing, Modern Control Theory, etc.

Research Field:

Energy power system engineering, aero-thermodynamics of turbo machinery, combustion science and technology, inner flow heat and mass transfer, gas turbine set and technology, turbo machinery control engineering, all of which correlated with scientific and technical problems of energy power system and gas turbine.

Job Opportunities for Graduates:

Working at universities, colleges, institutes, key enterprises, national and local energy administrative departments, as designers, teachers, researchers and administrators correlated with power machinery and system; developing and administering at departments of gasoline, chemical industry, metallurgy, aeronautics, ship engine, etc.

●       Fluid Mechanics and Engineering

Major Courses:

Fluid Flow in Hydraulic Machinery, Erosion and Wear of Hydraulic Machinery, Viscous Fluid Dynamics, Principles of Fluid Mechanics, Simulation and Optimized Control of Hydraulic Machinery, etc.

Research Field:

Mechanisms of inner flow in fluid machinery, cavitation, multi-phase flow, noise and vibration mechanisms and control, two-phase flow in fluid machinery and high-powered industrial pump, simulation of fluid machinery and optimized designing of runner.

Job Opportunities for Graduates:

Designing, researching and administering correlated with fluid and hydraulic machinery at universities, institutes, manufactories and departments of electrical power, hydraulic power, chemical industry, shipbuilding and aeronautics.

●       Simulation and Control for Thermal Power Engineering

Major Courses:

Measurements in Engineering Process, Control in Thermal Process, Thermal Engineering Dynamics, Automation in Thermal Process, Modern Measurement Technology, Advanced System Control, Simulation and Practice of Power Plant.

Research Field:

Relating to crossover major of thermal engineering, automatic control, computational science, simulation technology, etc, mainly studying modern measurements and technology in thermal engineering, energy simulation and modeling, thermal process control and fault diagnosis of thermal apparatus.

Job Opportunities for Graduates:

Controlling, measuring and modeling at universities, companies of control engineering, institutes of electrical power designing, departments of aeronautics, etc.